The writing’s on the wall. Fake as fake can be. President Trump unknowingly stands in front of a fake presidential seal. Hilarity ensues. Says Charles Leazott, the person who designed the seal as a joke years ago, “There’s no way this was an accident is all I’m saying,” adding that whomever is the culprit is “my absolute hero.” h/t Kate.
Washington Post: Former Republican designed fake presidential seal that appeared behind Trump
by Veronica Stracqualursi
July 26, 2019
Washington (CNN)– A former Republican voter from Virginia is the man who made a parody image of the presidential seal that was shown behind President Donald Trump at a conservative teen summit, according to The Washington Post.
Graphic designer Charles Leazott, 46, created the fake presidential seal that features a two-headed eagle — lifted from the Russian Federation coat of arms — clutching a set of golf clubs in its talons, according to the Post.
“This is the most petty piece of art I have ever created,” Leazott told the Post.
Leazott, who dislikes Trump and says he voted twice for George W. Bush, created the fake seal after the 2016 election as
“just a goofy thing for some people I knew,” the Post reported.
Trump spoke on Tuesday at a summit for conservative students hosted by the group Turning Point USA, and for a brief moment, the President appeared before the doctored seal evoking imagery of the Russian coat of arms on stage.